New to Sexaholics Anonymous? Glad you found us!
Sexual addition is not a comfortable subject to discuss out in the open. Alcohol and drug addiction is a much easier subject, thanks to being in the media for many years now.
We understand how painful and isolating the disease of sexual addiction can be and how difficult it is to come to grips with the destruction it has caused in our lives.
I’m willing to be many of the new visitors to our website thought they were the only ones struggling with this problem, that they were alone.
We used porn, sex, lust and fantasy to help cope with stress, anxiety, avoid feelings and many other issues. Many of us just didn’t understand how we got lost in this addiction and thought there was no escape. Regardless of why, how and when this addiction began, there was a point in time when we were acting against our own will. Some of us recognized this and tried to stop, only to realize we couldn’t. This is when we saw ourselves as sexaholics.
There is a solution though and through Sexaholics Anonymous countless individuals have found recover from their sexual addictions.
12-Step Fellowship

Sexaholics Anonymous was founded on the 12 steps and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Through hard work Sexaholics Anonymous began in the early 80s and has grown since then through strength, hope and the experience of addicts in recovery worldwide.
Here are the full 12 Steps and 12 Traditions to be aware of. How fast or how slow you go is entirely up to you. Some people go through all 12 steps in months while others take years. One step at a time…
Getting Started
One day at a time
Recovery from sexual addiction is possible but most sexaholics can’t even comprehend the thought of years of sexual sobriety. We need to break it down and attempt to stay sober just for today, one day at a time.
Hit the books
Read the Sexaholics Anonymous literature. They explain SA’s 12-step recovery program and more.
- Sexaholics Anonymous (aka. the “White Book”)
- Others
Go to meetings
If you’re new to Sexaholics Anonymous, you should attend as many meetings as you can. Call or email us for details on the meeting locations and times. There’s no need to share in a meeting so do not feel pressured. You can simply attend, listen to others and take it in. By not being alone and by meeting with other recovering addicts is essential to making progress and gaining sobriety.
Reminder: SA meetings are for sexaholics only. Family members and friends do have a meeting of their own called S-Anon.
Staying sober tips
Think of the specific situations which led to “acting out” (masturbation, affairs, prostitution, etc). Avoid those situations. I know it sounds much more simple then you feel it really is. These situations (ie. certain people, places or things) are your “triggers” which will pull you back into the addiction before you know it.

Call other SA members as often as needed, every day if that helps. Attend meetings. Read something, anything, everyday from the SA literature. Start working the steps with your sponsor. Don’t think too much though – it was our best thinking which got us where we are today!
Get a sponsor
Find an SA member who has much more sobriety than you do and who you feel comfortable with. Ask if they would be willing to be a sponsor. A great sponsor goes a very long way in helping you gain sobriety. They will listen and share their experience, strength and hope.
Recite the Serenity Prayer
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
Pick up the phone
Since we only have two meetings a week, you’re encouraged to pick up the phone and reach out to other members between meetings. This helps you stay sober. Ask other recovering addicts for their numbers and offer your own if you’re comfortable.